Starting from:


Yoga For A Healthy Lifestyle


Chapter-1 What is Yoga and what are its Historical Roots?

1.1. What is Yoga?

1.2. Historical Roots of Yoga

Chapter-2 The Science and Spirit of Yoga

2.1. Science of Yoga

2.1.1. Science behind Yoga and Stress

2.2. Spirit of Yoga – The Soul

2.2.1. What is the Soul?

2.2.2. What is the Soul Body and how it works?

Chapter-3How is Yoga Beneficial for your Health?

3.1. Benefits of Practicing Yoga

3.1.1. How does Yoga benefit your Mental and Spiritual Health?

3.1.2. How does Yoga benefit your Physical Health?

Chapter-4 How to Establish Mind-Body Connection with Yoga?

4.1. How to stabilize your Mind and improve mental health?

4.2. How to strengthen your mind-body connection?

4.3. Other Tips to Nourish the Duo [Mind and Body]

Chapter-5 Different Types of Yoga

5.1. What are the different types of Yoga?

5.2. What is Power Yoga?

Chapter-6 Yoga Postures - Do's and Don't

6.1. Yoga Poses: Do’s and Don’ts

Chapter-7 Equipment and Accessories Mandatory for Yoga

7.1. Yoga Essentials

7.2. Yoga Auxiliaries

Chapter-8 Yoga Exercises

8.1. Sun Salutations

8.2. Yoga Exercises

Chapter-9 Introduction to Meditation with Yoga

9.1. Common Myths about Meditation

9.2. What is Meditation?

9.3. Why Meditation?

9.4. Important Things to Consider

Chapter-10 Categories of Yoga Meditations

10.1. General Types of Meditation

10.2. Categories of Yoga Meditation

Chapter-11 Health benefits of Meditation

11.1. Physical Benefits of Meditation

11.2. Mental Benefits of Meditation

11.3. Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

Chapter-12 Yoga Therapies for Common Illness

12.1. Yoga Therapies for Common Illness

Chapter-13 Yoga - Exclusive to kill Depression

13.1. What Is Depression?

13.2. What Causes Depression?

13.3. Symptoms of Depression

13.4. Effects of Depression on the Overall Body System

13.5. Yoga as a Cure for Depression

13.5.1. How Does Yoga Therapy Work?

13.5.2. Yoga Poses to Cure Depression

Chapter-14 The Future of Yoga As a Medicine

14.1. The Future of Yoga in Medicine

14.2. What is needed at our End to grow Yoga?

14.3. Curb the “Lifestyle Disease” with Yoga tips

Chapter-15 Special Advice for Apprentice - The Beginners

15.1. Yoga Tips and Best Practices for Beginners
